Do Virtual Data Rooms Provide Data Backup Solutions?

Most information is stored electronically in every company, and the loss of important data can lead to huge losses and sometimes bankruptcy. A proven way to ensure reliable storage of information is data backup. In this article, we will investigate the data backup feature in virtual data rooms.

Why do we need to back up data?

Due to the often sensitive information in data rooms, there are high-security requirements. All professional providers, therefore, take extensive technical and organizational measures to ensure security. Today, no one modern data center can be imagined without a data backup system. This is due to the fact that most of the information is stored electronically and the loss of this information can lead to significant losses and sometimes to complete bankruptcy of the company.

Backup is the creation of a copy of your files on another device or in the cloud in case the main device is lost or damaged. In fact, its essence is that if there are problems with information on the main computer/smartphone/tablet, the copy will not be affected. In addition, making a copy is much easier than reviving your erased data with suffering. This can be useful in cases where the program database is damaged, such as power outages, computer shutdowns, program shutdowns, or Internet outages.

Cloud data backup is the storage of user information on one or more remote servers. The servers can be located in one place or in different countries.

Advantages of cloud data storage:

  • Servers are located in remote, secure premises or abroad, which helps save important information from loss in case of force majeure and from seizure during searches.
  • Storing data in the cloud is financially advantageous because the customer pays for the service in small installments (monthly subscription fee).
  • Data encryption for maximum privacy.

The backup solution includes the development of a backup policy that takes into account the company’s needs at the time of data recovery, data recovery points, as well as long-term data storage policies.

Data room backup feature

According to virtual data room provides the ability to back up the program’s databases. It is a leader in backup solutions that provide cloud data management. The software offers a comprehensive platform to help upgrade backups, accelerate hybrid cloud deployments and provide data protection. A backup copy of the database stored on external media can be used to restore data in the event of loss, damage, or transfer to another computer.

The information stored in the backup depends on the type of backup: 

  • Backup of the entire database 
  • Backup of selected enterprises.

The database backup does not store user settings and user roles, and the data room configuration does not store enterprise subordination settings. Besides,the backup does not include documents that have been moved to the archive, regardless of whether the archive is connected or disconnected.

The process of backing up the program can be automated, for this, you need to create a task in the Task Scheduler service. It is possible to configure the backup of the database each time you exit the program. To do this, you must select the Create a copy of the current enterprise or Create a copy of all enterprises option in the Shutdown window.

Data should be backed up as often as documents are updated. For example, if a company makes changes to its files every day, generates reports – it is necessary to perform a backup every day, at the end of the working day. If the company is small and the reporting files are updated once a week, the data should be copied weekly.
